Supervisor Immigration Adviser
Marta has over 12 years' work experience providing Nationality, Immigration and Asylum legal advice at IAA level 3. Her fascination for different cultures and joy in helping others led her to study UK immigration law and has achieved two Postgraduates in Marketing and European Law. Areas of expertise include fresh claims for failed asylum seekers, Human Rights applications, such as Family and Private Life, Settlement claims for domestic violence victims, challenging immigration detention, European Settlement Scheme, British citizenship Naturalization and Registration, Windrush compensation and claims, Administrative Reviews and lodging initial grounds of appeal.
Supervisor Immigration Adviser
Sam joined Citizens Advice Portsmouth in January 2018, initially as a volunteer and then as a staff member since September 2018. Sam is registered with IAA as a Level 3 advisor and can give specialist advice on a range of immigration issues, including human rights applications and concessionary or discretionary applications, applications for Humanitarian Protection, complex applications under Appendix EU, asylum and protection claims and appeals.